what is synergetic structural integration?

Is massage sometimes just not enough? Do you leave feeling great but the next day or so, the same aches and pains come back? That is where structural integration comes into play. Structural integration optimizes your full potential to be balanced and feel good in your own body. This is achieved by releasing myofascial adhesions that restrict movement, freeing the joints, and making the body structurally balanced. It is unlike a traditional massage as it is performed “dry” meaning to lotion or medium that glides across the muscles. We want to achieve something deeper than that. It is also performed with shorts if you are male, and shorts and sports bra for a female.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue, comprised of mostly collagen, located around and throughout each individual muscle and muscle fiber. Some compare it to the filmy part of the chicken that we remove before cooking it or the marbling (collagen) of a good steak. It’s function is simple - movement. It allows our muscles to move freely and function properly. When our fascia is adhered, it restricts movement and muscles dysfunction or get stuck. When our fascia is freely moving as it should be, our muscles function properly and our posture is in alignment, giving a feeling of fluid movement and lightness, as well as, freedom of movement in the joints.